Customer Testimonials

We believe that the true measure of our success lies in the satisfaction of our customers. Our customers come from diverse industries and backgrounds, ranging from small businesses to some of the UK’s largest enterprises. 

We take immense pride in delivering exceptional products and services that meet their needs and exceed expectations. But don’t just take our word for it, read testimonials from some of our 200+ clients below. Take a look at our Case Studies page for full-length interviews.

"One-stop shop for our information needs."
"A breath of fresh air in the tech space."
"Provides good, early data and a different perspective to underpin our decisioning. Having moved from a long-standing data provider, we have found Company Watch to be a highly informative, professional, and very innovative product that will be a game changer for our credit management. A professional product for professionals!"
"Fundamental to our credit review process and provides a service beyond everyone in the market. Indispensable in delivering the financial information and analytics we need in a totally customised format."
"Superior levels of reporting, data accuracy and efficacy as a critical financial risk management tool. I reviewed the entire market in considerable depth and from careful evaluation and in-depth interrogation of providers, we ultimately selected Company Watch."
"Integral to our ratings methodology since we first began. Professional, supportive and understand the issues we are looking to solve."
"Very reliable and accurate scoring module."
Company Watch reviews sourced by G2
"I don’t believe there is anything else quite like Company Watch on the market".
"All the way through our journey, the training and support have been first class. I am such a firm advocate of the system that I have been recommending it to colleagues in other authorities.”
"The platform is an excellent one and an important tool for my job."
Business banking icon
Emeka Ijioma
Business Banking Portfolio Manager